Ben has been working in media sales for the last 25 years, and was excited to join Lessiter Media in 2024 and getting immersed in the Ag market. He and his wife have 4 children (empty nesters now) and 4 grandchildren. In his spare time, you can find him either golfing, woodworking, homebrewing or cheering on the Bengals or Bearcats.

Quick facts...

Education: University of Cincinnati & Xavier University

Brands: Ag Division

No. 1 Bucket List goal: Playing a round at St. Andrew’s

Favorite superhero: My grandkids like the Hulk, so I’ll go with him.

Favorite place in Milwaukee: I have only visited Milwaukee a handful of times, but it feels very similar to my hometown of Cincinnati

Person I’d most like to meet: Will Farrell

Mac or PC: PC

Favorite ice cream flavor: Graeter’s (Cincinnati) Black Raspberry Chip

Favorite quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” — Wayne Gretsky & Michael Scott