By Connor CampbellDigital Content Editor, Lessiter Mediaccampbell@lessitermedia.com262-777-2404 I'll come out and say it: Robust media applications are expensive! The tools are great and can take your business where it needs to be. But what if I told you there are other more cost-effective ways to get the same results? There are many open-source applications that can help…
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A/B Testing: Best Practices
By Kayla WaukauMarketing Coordinator, Lessiter Split testing, or A/B testing, is a method used to test different marketing variables (such as copy, images, layout, etc). After the tests are conducted, data is compared to each other to identify which test brought better results. Running A/B tests in your marketing campaigns is a great way…
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Simplify to Succeed: Sign-Up Form Best Practices
By Michelle DrewekDigital Media Manager, Lessiter MediaMdrewek@lessitermedia.com262-777-2435 In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, it's easy to get caught up in the quest for complexity. But when it comes to sign-up forms for new customer acquisition, we've got a secret to share: less is more! It's tempting to want to include "just one more" field…
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Have You Achieved Brand Salience?
By Joanne VolkertBrand Manager, Lessiter MediaJvolkert@lessitermedia.com262-777-2442 When it comes to branding strategies some aim to achieve Brand Recognition for their product. But there is a deeper more meaningful level of branding called Brand Salience. The difference is dramatic and achieving it will have a significant impact on the success of your brand, particularly in competitive markets. In…
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