By Connor CampbellDigital Content Editor, Lessiter Mediaccampbell@lessitermedia.com262-777-2404 When creating your content, no matter the type of content, the ultimate goal is to have it reach everyone possible. Your content deserves to be seen by everyone. So then why hasn’t it taken off yet? Maybe it lacks color, graphics, or relatability. But, if none of these…
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5 Psychological Marketing Tips You Need to Know
By Ashley Miller Digital Marketing Coordinator, Lessiter Media 262-777-2422 We've all been reminded time and time again: knowing your audience is a critical component to executing a successful marketing strategy. Understanding how consumers make decisions, what motivates them, and what grabs their attention is all important information to know as a marketer. This understanding…
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5 Reasons Why Awards Should be Part of Your Marketing Strategy
By Joanne VolkertBrand Manager, Lessiter MediaJvolkert@lessitermedia.com262-777-2442 My 7-year-old son just recently wrapped up his basketball season and was so proud to bring home a medal recognizing his team’s success and effort this season. He couldn’t wait to show it off and hang it on his bedroom wall. This story isn't a unique one nor is…
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Compelling Headlines to Attract your Audience
By Connor CampbellDigital Content Editor, Lessiter Mediaccampbell@lessitermedia.com262-777-2404 What’s the longest word, title or phrase you’ve heard? Besides Mary Poppins’ supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (No, I didn’t spell that right on my first try). I’d wager that most of us remember this as a joke — we find it funny to keep this word in our head for those random moments of…
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