Tag Archives: Marketing strategies

Upgrading The Like 👍🏼 To A Share 🔁

By Kayla WaukauMarketing Coordinator, Lessiter Mediakwaukau@lessitermedia.com *Aimlessly scrolling through social media* *scrolling* *scrolling* WAIT! My favorite local business posted. *reading* I guess I’ll give it a like. Should I comment? Share with my friends? That’s the problem with most social media marketing. We post to get our reader’s attention but are we posting user-generated content?…
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The Optimization Trifecta

By Michelle Drewek, mdrewek@lessitermedia.comDigital Media Manager, Lessiter Media If my coworkers had to pick a phrase they hear from me more than anything else (besides inserting a Friends or Schitt's Creek quote into almost any conversation), it would likely be "make sure it's optimized!" From keywording to file naming, load times and linking, every little detail that…
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7 Gift Marketing Guidelines

By Joanne VolkertMarketing Manager, Lessiter Mediajvolkert@lessitermedia.com262-782-2412 With the dust mostly settled from the Holiday season, I thought it’d be worth our time to circle back on the giving theme and touch on Gift Marketing. Gift marketing is giving or sending a past, current, or potential customer a gift. Now, we’re all familiar with branded pens, t-shirts,…
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Breaking Down Design Thinking

By Alison Green, agreen@lessitermedia.comEmail Specialist, Lessiter Media Every piece of content goes through a creative process, but it can be hard to define success without first conceptualizing the journey. In this article from the American Marketing Association, they break down the intuitive process creative minded people have been using, but typically don’t explain out loud. The…
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