Tag Archives: marketing campaigns

4 Lessons from Failed Marketing Campaigns

By Ashley Miller Digital Marketing Coordinator, Lessiter Media amiller@lessitermedia.com 262-777-2422 Nobody likes to admit failure, but it happens to everyone—even the most successful brands. Sometimes, even the best-laid marketing campaigns miss the mark and fall short of expectations. These failed marketing efforts, while often embarrassing and costly, provide a unique opportunity for learning and growth.…
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The Power of “Link in Bio” for Social Media Marketing

By Olivia CoxContent Marketing Specialist, Lessiter Mediaocox@lessitermedia.com262-782-2443 In today's digital age, the competition for attention on social media is fierce. Brands and influencers are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage their audience and drive traffic to their content. One often overlooked yet highly effective strategy is optimizing the "link in bio." This small but powerful…
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A Deep Dive into A/B Testing

By Kayla WaukauMarketing Coordinator, Lessiter Mediakwaukau@lessitermedia.com A/B Testing is a critical aspect of marketing, yet it often gets overlooked in the midst of our daily tasks and responsibilities. But fear not, because for the next three weeks, I will be delving into the world of A/B testing in our weekly Marketing Minute. Each week, I…
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5 Tips to Launch Your Text Message Marketing

  By Madeline SchultzMarketing Associate, Lessiter MediaMschultz@lessitermedia.com262-777-2406 Email is a great tool, but as the inbox grows it can become overwhelming and lead to overlooked, deleted, or worse, unsubscribed messages. Place yourself in the shoes you wear outside of work, and ask yourself, “is this something I would even open, let alone read?" If the answer is…
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