Tag Archives: customer experience

Make It Easy for Customers to Do Business With You

By Ashley MillerDigital Marketing Coordinator, Lessiter Mediaamiller@lessitermedia.com262-777-2422 In PWC's Customer Experience is Everything Study they found that for 73% of consumers, convenience is the top priority when evaluating a great customer experience. It's not a surprise that customers want convenience, and if you're not providing a quick and easy experience, they won't hesitate to take their business elsewhere. By…
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Successful Personalized Marketing Campaigns

By Jack SchubertMarketing Associate, Lessiter Mediajschubert@lessitermedia.com262-777-2448 Marketing is not a one-size-fits-all approach. By making your marketing feel personal and relevant to the consumer, you can create tailored experiences that cater to their specific needs, preferences, and behaviors. Personalized marketing leverages data analytics to tailor content and offers specifically to the preferences of individual consumers. This…
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4 Types of Customers & How To Handle Them

By Audrey WoodsAdministrative Assistant, Lessiter Mediaawoods@lessitermedia.com262-782-4480 I have been working in customer service in one form or another for about ten years. From food service to dentistry, I have dealt with thousands of customers in seemingly infinite scenarios. The most important thing I have learned from all of these interactions is that my approach has…
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The Importance of First Impressions in Customer Service

  By Audrey WoodsAdministrative Assistant, Lessiter Mediaawoods@lessitermedia.com262-782-4480 In life, there are two groups of people: Sam's Club people, and Costco people. I am a born and raised Sam's Club girl. If I need to buy 100 rolls of toilet paper at a time, Sam's Club has always been my wholesale club of choice. My wife…
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