Workload Balance: 5 Ways to Do More with Less

By Michelle Drewek,
Digital Media Manager, Lessiter Media

I'm sure you've never been overwhelmed at work, right? Every deadline gets met, every task goes unmissed, no communication goes awry and you enter and leave each day on time.

Of course, we all know that as nice of a sentiment as that it, it is far from realistic. But that doesn't mean you can't improve how you work and how you approach your work to make substantial gains in time and wellness.

As we near the end of a year that has forced many of us to do more with less — something that can happen, pandemics aside — we've gathered together strategies that can help get you and your team on track and in balance. After all, the most productive team is a harmonious one.

Struggling to wrap your head around all of your to-dos and need someone to bounce ideas off of? My inbox is always open! I'd be honored to chat with you and help make sense of the chaos. 

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