The Dark Side of AI in Marketing

By Luke Weigel
Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media

As marketing technology grows, so do artificial intelligence (AI) opportunities like ChatGPT. I'm sure you've heard of ChatGPT in some capacity — it's a platform that responds to questions to compose written content, images or videos. A next-gen tool that can create efficiencies across the board.

In fact, I used ChatGPT to help put together the subject line for this email. So it can certainly come in handy when in the need for some creative brainstorming.

But during a recent conversation about some headline ideas we compiled as a group for a project, I heard numerous times, "that's definitely a ChatGPT suggestion," followed by some laughter. That reaction was largely because some of the options listed lacked context and human tone so much that it was obvious a 'robot' created it.

It got me thinking, as much positive publicity that AI and ChatGPT garner, there is always another side of the coin.

If venturing into the world of tools like ChatGPT, I've compiled a couple things to keep in mind before you just copy and paste what you're bring provided.