The 5 Best Marketing Tools To Use With Chat GPT

By Dallas Ziebell
Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media

I'm sure by now you've heard all about the many ways that AI technologies like Chat GPT are predicted to transform the world around us. From food to finance to film, it's seems there's not a single industry that will be untouched, for better or worse. 

Marketing is one industry that is arguably in the lead when it comes to adoption of AI, and it's no wonder why. Ours is an industry in which even small improvements in performance metrics can add up to big sales increases over time, and we're always on the lookout for a new tool or tactic to push the envelope and help us reach and interact with our customers more effectively.

To help smarten your marketing efforts in this new era of AI, today we take a look at Einstein Marketer's 5 best marketing tools to use with Chat GPT.

Marketer's Note: In case you missed it, check out our 5 AI copywriting strategies for marketers.


The 5 Best Marketing Tools to Use with Chat GPT