Team Audit: Are you optimized for success?

By Michelle Drewek,
Content Engagement Manager, Lessiter Media

"Teamwork makes the dreamwork" is a favorite phrase around the Lessiter Media offices. In fact, the concept of teamwork is important enough that we even made it one of our core values.

But teamwork is more than a tagline. Our teams are dependent on one another the way our customers are dependent on us. This makes it vital that we perform at our best so we can deliver our best.

Annual performance reviews are a concept many of us are familiar with, but what about team audits? A team audit is when members of a collaborative group perform a critical assessment of their own traits — as members of the team and of the team as a whole — in order to identify areas of strength and weakness that can be optimized for success.

You don't need to be a manager to implement better practices for the teams you work on. In fact, those "in the trenches" tend to come across most of the inefficiencies and communication roadblocks that occur in day-to-day operations, making input of the utmost value.

Bring this to your next team meeting and discuss how you can begin an audit of your group. Encourage other teams to do the same so your entire organization is optimizing toward unified goals. After all, teamwork makes the dream work!

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Sources: coaching-online.orgToner Buzz