By Rachel Hanrahan,
Digital Content Specialist, Lessiter Media
Many facets of our lives have been altered due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As we adjust to life with as little human contact as possible, we as marketers need to think outside the box, now more than ever. QR codes are a touch-free way to get your URL, app, or contact information onto your target audiences’ phones.
Companies like restaurants and retailers have recently capitalized on using QR codes on posters for customers to have speedy access to their menus, coupons, surveys and websites. This instantly conveys to your customers that you care about altering your methods to make them more comfortable.
QR (short for “Quick Response”) refers to the instant access to information hidden within the code. This code is a two-dimensional version of a barcode, with a pixelated appearance.
Unlike the past when you had to download third part apps onto your phone to be able to open QR codes, advancements in smartphone technology now allow you to simply point your phone’s camera at a QR code and it will automatically bring up an associated webpage. Try it yourself with the QR code below!
How might you be able to use this method of contactless marketing in your efforts?