Forming Actionable Feedback

By Connor Campbell
Digital Content Editor, Lessiter Media

We all have been given feedback— whether we ask for it or not. Sometimes constructive criticism is lacking the ‘constructive’ part. We all know there’s an art to giving actionable alterations to a project. We also know someone who is not artistic. At all. But what if I told you that it’s easier than we think? 

Giving feedback can feel complicated. Being forward while also opening the discussion to healthy communication is key. According to LeeAnn Renninger’s TED Talk, People are split into two camps— Taking criticism to heart or not even realizing it is feedback and something to build upon. Let’s face it; we all have bounced between these two before.

In this infographic, I lay out four helpful baseline steps to begin building feedback into digestible, actionable comments to help move along any project or items needing that helpful ‘nudge’ in the right direction.

If you utilize these steps, please reach out with any stories— success or not! 

Building Actionable Feedback