3 Ways to Help Build Your Leads

By Kayla Waukau
Marketing Coordinator, Lessiter Media

One of the most important ways to grow your business is by capturing leads. Depending on your business, this may look different. You may present an unknown user with a modal pop-up message asking them to subscribe to your e-newsletter. Or you could promote a free download to be sent to their inbox. Regardless of how you capture these leads, what information you require could hinder your responses.

101 of capturing leads is to keep it minimal. When requesting information, less is more. It’s more likely that someone will submit their name and email address rather than submitting their name, email address, state, address, or phone number. These are all red flags to consumers that they may receive unwanted spam calls, mail, and emails. 

I hear your concern, that maybe it’s more beneficial to have a heavily qualified lead with this additional information rather than just a name and email address. That’s why I’ve determined 3 ways for you to build your lead to make it fit your needs.

  1. Ask for minimal information initially and build on their customer profile over time. You can promote additional materials to their inbox that could request them to add information like phone or address.
  2. Require critical information like name and email address and make other demographics like phone and address “optional” on their form submission. Some users may submit it thinking it’s necessary, while others will just submit the required information.
  3. Do what is best for your business! If you have salesmen who need things like zip code to determine who the lead is assigned to, then require it in your form. This is not a one-size-fits-all all approach and will be unique to each company.

3 Ways to Help Build Your Leads