By Luke Weigel, Marketing Manager
From the April 2019 Lessiter Link newsletter
On April 2, Dallas, Joanne, Luke and Kim spoke with Janice Blankenburg's Management of Promotion classes within the UW-Milwaukee Lubar School of Business. Their purpose: to inform marketing students about career opportunities niche trade media has to offer.
The session began with introductions and backgrounds on how the group's professional journeys led them to LM. The students were then asked to share their own positive internship experiences and brainstorm job/employer characteristics they will be looking for in their post-graduation opportunities and employment.
The students' responses — variety on the job; a company who truly cares and somewhere they can continue to learn, grow and be challenged — aligned perfectly with the presentation they were about to hear.

Dallas set the stage by creatively explaining niche media through the likes of Emu World, Soft Dolls & Animals and his personal favorite, Onion World. Kim elaborated on Dallas' explanations by discussing LM's markets and properties, while Luke took it a step further in his talk about niche trade media marketing careers, and more specifically, life at LM. Joanne continued with the 360° marketing experience one would encounter at LM, before Kim wrapped things up discussing the internship program in greater detail.
The time spent at UWM proved to be a worthwhile experience. "We spoke with 2 marketing classes that were primarily comprised of seniors, who are prime candidates for internships. To get their dedicated time in front of them was priceless and resulted in 18 students providing their contact information," commented Kim. "One student approached us afterwards letting us know that while we were presenting, he was already submitting his application on the LM website. I've even interviewed 4 potential interns as a result of our visit to UWM."
Additional UWM connections included Kim's on-campus visits with Lubar professors and participation in the Lubar Career Fair in February. Sierra also joined Kim in representing LM at the Journalism, Advertising & Media Studies Career Fair earlier this month.