Recent Posts by Michelle Drewek

Actionable SEO: Attracting Web Traffic Through Relevant Headlines

By Laura Vietmeyer, Digital Content Specialist, Lessiter Media Headlines matter more than ever, especially online. They grab attention and build trust with readers and will appear in a multitude of places, including search engines, social media, news aggregators, native mobile apps and on your own site. Ensuring that these headlines are optimized for web searches…
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Getting Students Behind The Lens

From the May 2018 Lessiter Link newsletter Members of our staff had the opportunity to present at not just one, but three schools this year during their High Interest Day/Kids’ Choice Day programs. Hoover Elementary (New Berlin) reached out to Lessiter Media after they were shown the video produced by our staff during last year’s…
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Don’t Ax the Fax

By Joanne Volkert, Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media Some of the most iconic things of the 1980s includes big hair, boom boxes, neon everything, Nintendo and the Rubik’s cube. Some might add the fax machine. Before email marketing took off in the late ’90s, marketers depended on direct mail, phone and fax campaigns to deliver their…
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A/B Testing is More Than Just Subject Lines

By Luke Weigel, lweigel@lessitermedia Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media When thinking about A/B testing, email subject lines undoubtedly come to mind – and for good reason. They are simple to setup and execute, and the data is easy to analyze. And while subject line testing combinations are virtually endless, there comes a time when every marketer feels…
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