Recent Posts by Michelle Drewek

How to Optimize Your HTML Emails

By KC Hubbell, Marketing Associate, Lessiter Media In my previous Lessiter Marketing Minute, Creating A Successful Email: HTML Vs Plain-Test, I talked about how and why a plain-text email can benefit your marketing campaign. However, just because plain-text emails CAN produce higher open and click rates doesn't mean they ALWAYS perform better. In fact, in…
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Which Print Marketing Myths Are You Buying Into?

By Rachel Hanrahan, Digital Content Specialist, Lessiter Media Although the world of digital automation, personalization and predictive text is attractive to the marketer's eye, there will always be something genuine and sincere about print marketing. Even in my personal life, I prefer receiving a handwritten thank you card in the mail over a text message…
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7 Ways to Build Your Audience by Integrating Print Ads

By Luke Weigel, Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media Pop quiz... To have a truly successful marketing campaign you need: A. Digital B. More Digital C. All Digital D. A Mix of Digital AND Print If you've been following our weekly Marketing Minute emails, you know the correct answer is D. That being said, many companies are…
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The Anatomy of a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

By Dallas Ziebell, Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media Despite the prevalence of new and growing forms of online advertising, direct mail campaigns are still an effective way to reach customers. In fact, according to a Direct Marketing Association study, the typical response rate to direct mail campaigns is in the 3% range, a far greater success…
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