Recent Posts by Michelle Drewek

7 Pros and Cons to Free Trial Offers

By Joanne Volkert, Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media If there’s one thing my husband is a sucker for, its free samples. He’d never willingly admit it, but pre-covid he used to plan grocery trips to align with the free sample timeframes. Don’t worry – he won’t read this, so he’ll never know I’m exposing his groundbreaking…
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7 Ways to Make More Effective Ad Campaigns in 2021

By John A. Bennett, Digital Media Director, Lessiter Media As marketers, it is easy to get hyper-focused on the end result of our efforts – getting a sale. The problem is that can make us see everyone that encounters our ad message as qualified buyers simply waiting for the right offer or “hook”. When according to…
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Workload Balance: 5 Ways to Do More with Less

By Michelle Drewek, mdrewek@lessitermedia.comDigital Media Manager, Lessiter Media I'm sure you've never been overwhelmed at work, right? Every deadline gets met, every task goes unmissed, no communication goes awry and you enter and leave each day on time. Of course, we all know that as nice of a sentiment as that it, it is far from realistic. But…
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7 Principles for Creating An Irresistible Lead Magnet

By Dallas Ziebell, dziebell@lessitermedia.comMarketing Manager, Lessiter Media A lead magnet is an incentive that marketers offer to potential buyers in exchange for their email address or other contact information. Lead magnets usually offer a piece of digital, downloadable content, such as a free PDF checklist, report, eBook, whitepaper, video, etc. If you want to generate leads…
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