Recent Posts by Michelle Drewek

Effectively Integrating Testimonials into Digital Marketing

By John A. Bennett, Digital Media Director, Lessiter Media The art of gaining effective testimonials is half the battle. As I discussed in my previous Marketing Minute, Developing a Balanced Testimonial Library, targeting the right type of endorsements will be the key in how you use them to support your story, being it about…
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8 Tips to Create a Successful Podcast

By Joseph Kuenzle, Audio Visual Manager, Lessiter Media Whether you currently produce one, have a favorite you listen to regularly, or you've heard of it but are not entirely sure what it is, a podcast can and should become an integral part of your marketing repertoire. Let's start at the beginning. For those not…
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6 Ways to Make Billing Statements a Marketing Tool

By Joanne Volkert, Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media Who remembers the Schoolhouse Rock song, “I’m Just a Bill?” “I’m just a bill. Yes, I’m only a bill. And I’m sitting here on Capitol Hill.” Ok, that’s not exactly the type of bill I’m talking about in this week’s Marketing Minute edition. And I’m here to make…
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Marketing to Generation Z

By Emily Fox, efox@lessitermedia.comDigital Content Specialist, Lessiter Media For years, businesses have been focused on millenials and their marked differences from previous generations. But now, a new generation is beginning to come of age: Generation Z. Generation Z are the age group born between 1997 and 2015, and are currently between the ages of 6 and…
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