Recent Posts by Michelle Drewek

6 Ways to Gain Ground Amidst Supply Chain Uncertainty

By Mike Lessiter, President, Lessiter Media The October 11, 2021, edition of Business Insider examined the supply chain predicament and how it has marketers wrestling -- or worse, totally paralyzed -- about how to advertise in unusual times. What you don’t want to do is retreat. "While supply chain issues have definitely put added pressure on advertising…
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5 Steps to Turn a Negative Into a Positive

By Luke Weigel, Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media About a year ago we shared some information on how to leverage word-of-mouth marketing as a way to help grow your business. The concept was generally pretty simple: use positive customer feedback as a promotional tool. Unfortunately, not all feedback is positive, and a negative review can spread like wildfire, crippling…
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Improve Website Retention & Rankings with Optimized Images

By Michelle Drewek, mdrewek@lessitermedia.comContent Engagement Manager, Lessiter Media Over 20% of all U.S. web searches happen on Google Images, with Google alone processing 3.5 billion web searches per day. By not optimizing web images, businesses risk not getting their content or products to rank well among that huge chunk of the search engine pie and also miss out on…
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Tips to Consider Before Designing Your Next Ad

By Dallas Ziebell, Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media If you ask an advertiser why they run print ads, you’ll get a variety of answers. Some do it to announce their latest or greatest product innovation. Some do it to ensure a well-rounded marketing strategy. And some even do it to celebrate a company milestone or achievement in…
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