By Luke Weigel
Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media
Earlier this month at our annual Precision Farming Dealer Summit and National No-Tillage Conference events in Louisville, I was able to spend some time with several partners to discuss their marketing plans for the new year and some ideas on how to achieve their goals. It came as no surprise that 'leads' were a common discussion point amongst the various groups I met with, but what was interesting is what a lead meant to them.
Some wanted leads that were fully vetted and sales ready — the holy grail — while others were simply interested in leads that were ready to have a general conversation — a foot in the door.
While every company will look at and define what a lead is differently, the manner in which a lead is determined should be relatively similar across the board. Using a proper lead scoring system, you are able to prioritize your sales efforts and allocate your resources more efficiently.
While some CRM softwares have built in lead scoring, these programs can be pricey and may not factor in everything you need for a reliable lead that meets your criteria. So I've put together a few tips to help ensure your scored lead outputs are useful for your team, whether you do it yourself manually or tweak your CRM to your satisfaction.
Interested in generating new leads for your company in 2025? Let me know and I'd be happy to share more about Lessiter Media's TASER® Lead Generation Programs that can help fill your marketing and sales funnels with the types of qualified leads you are looking for.
Source: Selling Signals |