One Simple Way to Save on Marketing Expenses

By Christopher Nielsen,
Manager of Print and Magazine Production, Lessiter Media

Whether it’s the shifting of job responsibilities or increasing workload, it’s important to keep up on the status of your projects. The need to add Project Management to your skillset is essential in today’s work environment.

Utilizing a program made specifically for the purpose of managing tasks is very effective. There are many online programs that help to track the progress of projects with multiple people being able to see what the status is from anywhere that has internet access.

Even if you’re not using a program, open communication lines are essential. When emailing, I tell people to “CC” everyone involved in a project so we’re all kept in the loop. A few extra emails might get annoying at times but it's more annoying to drop the ball on something important. Especially for those last-minute “Hot” jobs.

Below are a few tips to help make your projects easy to manage from beginning to end.

What tools or tips do you have for managing your projects? I’d love to hear what you’re doing.

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