By Michelle Drewek,
Digital Media Manager, Lessiter Media
In a time when consumers are largely looking to avoid ads whenever possible, utilizing humor and culturally relevant media is a proven way to attempt to reach and engage with harder-to-reach customers.
This is where memes shine!
Memes are culturally significant visual references that are widely shared within web-based communities. Typically, memes are adapted with a new caption to create a relatable reference among the audience it is being shared with. Because of their familiarity and ease of adoption, marketers have been looking for ways to incorporate these viral sensations into their branding toolbox.
With web visibility algorithms tailored toward multimedia-based messages and increased engagement amongst audiences when presented with entertaining content, the meme is a marketing no-brainer. But just in case you need more convincing, below are 4 reasons to get memes into your brand's marketing.